Thursday, August 19, 2010

Skyfisher - The Novel

I'm presently working with Dan Dowhal, author of the novel skyfisher.
We're working on several marketing angles including video, stills and web 2.0.
Here's the video trailer and the back-cover blurb from the book.
Check out the trailer and visit Dan's site for details.

Book trailer for the novel skyfisher by Dan Dowhal. In this story, a digital-age whistle-blower, on the run and hiding for his life, reveals the truth behind the meteoric rise of Religion 2.0 and its less-than-holy messiah. Visit for more details.

author Dan Dowhal

Back Cover Blurb

Desperately fleeing for his life, Brad Evans escapes Manhattan and hides in a trailer in the country. There he writes an exposé of Phasmatia, the world’s first great Internet religion, and its megalomaniacal unholy messiah, Sky Fisher.
As one of the trio of ad men who schemed to concoct Phasmatia, Evans certainly knows where all the skeletons are buried, and is ready to tell — provided he manages to live long enough. His close friend and co-conspirator, Stan Shiu, the technical genius behind the religion’s rapid rise, is already dead.
The whistle-blower recounts the religion’s genesis and its growth from a get-rich-quick Dot-Com scheme to the Next Big Thing, spreading like wildfire over the web … and the planet. He also exposes the corruption and power lust that festers at the top, even while his hope for a potential new era of spirituality and faith burns brightly.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shooting model Tanya this week.

A great session with Tanya in a lovely location!

For bookings, contact Tanya at:

Click on images to enlarge - click on enlarged images for zoom view.